ter County Government Meeting Overview
This summary covers a recent meeting of the Center County government where various important contracts, authorizations, and appointments were discussed and approved.
**Contract Approvals:**
– The Board of the Center County Correctional Facility requested approval for a contract with Watson’s Watkins Security to purchase servers and hard drives for the facility’s camera system, alongside a service agreement for routine and emergency services related to the system.
– There was also approval sought for design services for the probation offices at the courthouse by Hoffman-Leakey Architects.
– John Peterson was appointed to the Center County General Authority and the Center County Industrial Development Authority for a five-year term.
– Julie Angstad was appointed to the Mental Health Intellectual Disability Early Intervention Advisory Board for a three-year term.
**Grant Applications:**
– A grant application for the Keystone Historic Preservation Construction Grant was presented for renovation and maintenance work on the courthouse, focusing on courtroom renovations and general construction.
**Other Discussions:**
– Discussions involved addressing the community needs related to homelessness and approving an MOU with the Eastern PA Continuum of Care to support efforts for HUD funding.
– Updates were shared regarding billing processes and changes in the software for tax billing in specific townships and boroughs in the county.
Overall, the meeting covered crucial aspects of infrastructure maintenance, community support services, and administrative appointments essential for the functioning and development of Center County【4:0†source】【4:1†source】【4:2†source】【4:3†sourc
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