er County Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting Overview
The recent Center County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) meeting focused on key updates and discussions regarding the long-range transportation plan (LRTP) and grant programs. Here are some highlights from the meeting:
### Long-Range Transportation Plan Update
– **Data Integration:** The MPO discussed leveraging the travel demand model and big data sources to enhance the LRTP. Data sources such as the travel demand model, travel time data, and employment data were utilized to understand congestion hotspots, trip patterns, and future traffic impacts.
– **Project Evaluation:** Evaluation of major projects like high-speed interchanges and road widenings was conducted using the travel demand model to assess their impact on travel patterns and congestion.
### Project Prioritization
– **Project Scoring:** The MPO worked on a project prioritization process for discretionary grants, LRTP, and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Projects were scored based on various criteria, with a focus on projects that continue to progress.
– **Stale Projects:** Discussions were held to identify and set aside “stale” projects that have not advanced in previous LRTP iterations, with an emphasis on including projects that show progress.
### Grant Updates
– **FHWA Grants:** Updates were provided on grant agreements with FHWA for streets, roads, and bridge investment programs. Delays were reported in the processing of grant agreements, with ongoing discussions and expectations for responses in the coming months.
– **Protect Program:** The resiliency program under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was briefly mentioned, highlighting changes in the program’s availability due to updates by FHWA.
### Tip Revisions
– **Tip Revisions:** The MPO voted on revisions to the current 2025-2028 TIP, reallocating funds for projects like the Center 2024 bridge preservation and settlement slab project.
The meeting also touched upon project prioritization, funding reallocation, and future steps for finalizing project lists for the LRTP and TIP development. Discussions around project progression, data-driven decision-making, and grant status were key points of focus in the meeting.
This summary provides a glimpse into the recent activities and discussions at the Center County Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting, showcasing efforts to enhance transportation planning and project prioritization in the region.
Source: Center County MPO Meeting Transcrip
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