College Borough Government Meeting Summary**
The government meeting covered various agenda items, including the approval of consent items, amendments to the police pension plan, setting fees for public and private towing, and approving a fee resolution. Major points from the meeting include:
– Consent Items: The consent items were unanimously approved by council members, both with and without item B, which was later approved separately. Item B involved questions regarding the features of new kiosks related to modern payment methods like Apple Pay and tap-to-pay.
– Police Pension Plan: An amendment to the police pension plan was discussed, involving the ratification of a collective bargaining agreement and setting the employee contribution rate at 1.5%. The ordinance amendment was recommended by staff and required a roll call vote for approval.
– Towing Fees: Council reviewed and approved amendments to an ordinance regulating towing companies in State College. The amendments aimed to allow for more regular fee reviews as needed and set fees by resolution. A fee resolution was also presented and unanimously approved.
– Budget Amendment: A budget amendment was proposed to address a reduction in federal grant revenue for the Calderway Phase Two project, necessitating a transfer of appropriations from other capital projects to fully fund the initiative. The project involves utility infrastructure replacement and roadway reconstruction over a two-block segment.
– Future Plans: There were discussions around ongoing issues such as traffic calming requests, advising on pedestrian and bicycle elements, and participation in various infrastructure projects aimed at improving safety and mobility in the borough.
Overall, the meeting showcased a focus on financial amendments, regulatory changes, and infrastructure developments to enhance the State College community’s functioning and efficiency.
These discussions reflect the commitment of the State College Borough government to address critical issues, enhance infrastructure, and promote safety and mobility within the community.
Please let me know if you need more detailed information on specific agenda items or decisions made during the meeti
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